7 + 7 = Back to School Vision Tips
As the school year approaches yet again, it is important to have your little ones ready for their first day. Ensuring they have a proper functioning pair of eyes is an important and often overlooked step.
7 Warning Signs That Your Child May Be Having Vision Problems
Avoidance of near tasks, such as reading or writing
Covering one eye, awkward head position
Letter reversals (“b” instead of “d”) or skipping over letters/lines
Frequent headaches
Difficulty paying attention, diagnosed as ADD/ADHD
Difficulty recalling read information
Squinting, eye rubbing, blinking
Children should also be examined if they have red or crusty eyes, as this could indicate an infection of the eye or the lids.
Remember, being able to see 20/20 is only half of the battle. If a child’s eyes do not work together properly they will have difficulty keeping their place while reading, tracking words or sentences and will struggle in school. This if often mistaken for learning disabilities or developmental delays.
7 Facts About Children's Vision
60% of children that are identified as “problem learners” or “learning disabled” have undetected vision problems (American Optometric Association).
Approximately 80% of all learning during a child’s first twelve years is visually based. Still, 86% of children in this age group don’t receive an eye exam (Vision Council of America).
One in every four school aged children have vision problems (Prevent Blindness America).
Vision screenings were not attempted in over 60% of pediatricians’ offices (American Academy of Pediatrics).
Vision disorders are the leading cause of handicapping conditions in children (National Parent Teacher Association).
Amblyopia (lazy eye) affects 5% of children nationwide and is completely preventable and treatable in most cases if caught early. Still, it remains the leading cause of vision loss in Americans under the age of 40 (Missouri Optometric Association
A vision screening is not a substitute for a comprehensive eye examination.
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Mulqueeny Eye Centers St Louis Mo, Sean P Mulqueeny Od St Louis Mo, Andrew J Biondo Od St Louis Mo, Eye Care St Louis Mo