$69 Back-To-School Exam and Optical Deal for Patients of All Ages!
How Does Vision Affect Performance?![]()
Vision problems can and often do interfere with learning. There are many vision skills that children and adults need to be successful in school and work environments: clear vision at distance and near, coordination of the two eyes together, eye/hand coordination, eye movement skills, color vision, focusing skills, and peripheral awareness.
During the first twelve years of a child's life about 80% of all learning is visual and since most children--a whopping 86%--don't receive an eye examination before entering school, the Missouri Legislature felt it was important to pass a Children's Vision Bill.
Prompt attention to learning-related vision problems will help children and adults alike perform at their full potential and enhance their lifelong learning experience!
What the Law Requires:
-- A comprehensive vision examination by a state-licensed optometrist or physician for children entering kindergarten or first grade, no later than January 1 following his/her enrollment
-- Vision screenings for children in before the completion of first grade and again before the completion of third grade and follow-up for those who fail screenings
$69 for a Comprehensive Vision* Examination Plus Free Single Vision Impact Resistant Lenses with the Purchase of a Frame in our Optical Center!
Total Value is $300...that's a savings of over 75%!
*Applies to initial examination only and may not be used in combination with vision and/or medical insurance plans. If a visual or medical condition is found, subsequent visits may be billed to patient's medical plan.
Standard vision examination includes review of medical/vision history, visual acuity testing, determination of prescription (refraction), intraocular pressure check, dilation and exam by doctor; children's examinations include binocularity/stereoscopic vision and color testing
Offer does not apply to patients with existing medical conditions of the eye or systemic disease known to affect vision
Free Lens offer applies to individual receiving vision examination and may not be transferred
Lenses are made of impact resistant material (recommended for children under age 18) includes scratch resistant coating, ultraviolet filter and a one year warranty
Value of single vision lenses is $140; patients who desire multi-focal or progressive upgrade will receive a $140 credit toward the purchase of their lenses
Not valid on previous purchases or redeemed for cash
Not applicable toward contact lens fittings or contact lens assessment examinations
May purchase deal through October 1, 2011; must use by December 31, 2011
Some Facts about Vision and Children:
80% of learning comes through vision and yet 86% of our children starting school have not had a comprehensive vision exam
One in 20 preschoolers and one in four school-age children have vision problems
60% of students identified as problem learners have undiagnosed vision problems; many of these children are misdiagnosed as learning disabled when in fact they have vision problems
It is critical to diagnosis and treat disorders such as strabismus (eye turn) and “lazy eye” (Anything that interferes with clear vision in either eye during the critical period (birth to 6 years of age) can cause "amblyopia" or "lazy eye".
Comprehensive vision screenings are needed for infants and pre-school children; an eye exam with the 20/20 chart screening is NOT adequate for the detection of amblyopia.
What causes amblyopia or "lazy eye"?
Anything that interferes with clear vision in either eye during the critical period (birth to 6 years of age) can cause amblyopia or "lazy eye". The most common causes of amblyopia are constant strabismus (constant turn of one eye), anisometropia (different vision/prescriptions in each eye), and/or blockage of an eye due to cataract, trauma, lid droop, etc. This can cause the brain to suppress the eye that is blurred and can result in a permanent decrease in vision that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or LASIK surgery. It typically occurs in one eye only and is often not detected by parents or the child. That is why a comprehensive eye examination by an eye care professional is highly recommended and now required by Missouri Law.
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Sean P Mulqueeny, Od, Mulqueeny Eye Centers, Eye Care St Louis, Optical St Louis